How events can produce a river of quality content
The Law Institute of Victoria run regular live events, and have cleverly created a series of education, learning and professional development videos from this compelling specialist content.
It all begins from either live traditional events – or their virtual equivalents – broadcast via Zoom or Teams. They upload their recorded video files, slide decks and any other assets including for branding, to their secure project, and then work with editors to carve out the content for a series of individually themed videos.
Review of all materials, from raw uploaded files to progressive edits of their videos, are efficiently and easily achieved via their Studio Bucket platform. This includes ensuring only content 100 per cent relevant to that thematic is delivered, and to the highest quality standards.
Removing the ‘fluff’ from live recordings makes an incredible difference to the viewing experience - and delivers for your brand

This also includes removing all traditional live event ‘housekeeping’ to clean up their content for quality and time-efficient video consumption – and any of the inevitable tech glitches in virtual conferencing.
“Can everyone hear me…? Ah, this is the wrong slide … We’re running a bit behind schedule … We’ll break shortly for lunch …”
Removing the ‘fluff’ of live events from their video versions makes an incredible difference, not only in saving listening time and pleasure, but also reinforcing their brand’s high standards of providing quality content and professional learning.
“They have a great service, an intuitive platform and are very responsive. The self record, upload and publishing ability to external platforms is also fabulous! The team are a true partner for our business.”
— Kellie Hamilton, General Manager, Member Knowledge & Learning, LIV
When their edited videos are approved by all stakeholders, they are uploaded in one click directly from their Studio Bucket platform to their Vimeo account in seconds, with finished projects – with all the original assets – then neatly stored in their very own, searchable, content library in the cloud.